Copyright © 2012 by "Mark Bowers"  ·  All Rights reserved  ·  E-Mail:
UK Domestic Utility Bill Calculators
dual fuel
Domestic Fuel Calculators
gas and electric gas and electric gas and electric
gas and electric gas and electric gas and electric
gas and electric gas and electric gas and electric
This energy bill calculator is provided only as a rough estimate of your bill if you enter the correct data.
It is not a guarantee of what you will pay your supplier.

Using this calculator is at your own risk you must rely on your bill from your supplier. 

This dual fuel calculator Is Based on E.ON Save Online 9 Product. 

I have done my best to make these calculators as accurate as I can but due to how suppliers round figures up and down the calculated results may be out by a few pence.
Fuel Bill Calculator Disclaimer
The gas you use in m³, but like all gas suppliers they have to charge for gas in kilowatt-hours. You can find the calculation I use to do this below which is the same calculation that all suppliers use this is the industry standard and is confusing and hard to understand for most people which is why i decided to create these calculators.

Example Conversion:

1. Cubic metres of gas units used = 167 (Meter Reading)

2. Multiply by conversion factor x 1.02264

3. Multiply by calorific value x 39.3

4. Convert this into kilowatt-hours ÷ 3.6

5. Giving kilowatt-hours used = 1864

All gas suppliers use the same calculation.