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UK Domestic Utility Bill Calculators
dual fuel
Domestic Fuel Calculators
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gas and electric gas and electric gas and electric
gas and electric gas and electric gas and electric
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Have you ever worried that you have used too much gas and electric and are dreading your next utility bill coming through your door well all is not lost I have had the same worries since the price of domestic fuel is continually going up and after looking at my bill I could never seem to work out how they came to their final price.

Help is at hand I have designed a simple form that with a few bits of information from your previous bill and your new meter readings you can get an estimate of how much energy you have used up to the date that you enter the information.

My goal is to make it simple to  work out just how much energy I have used so that I don't get a shock at the end of a quarter and then find out that my energy supplier wants to increase my direct debit to some fictitious figure plucked out of the sky.

How it started was I owed £2.48 on my quarterly bill and my supplier decided that my direct debit needed to be increased I expected may be £1 or £2 to cover what I owed but to my shock my supplier had increased my direct debit by £20 to cover just a £2.48 debt which is daylight robbery why should my supplier keep large amounts of my money sitting in their bank account when I am struggling to make ends meet trying to juggle my finances not knowing where my next meal is  coming from.

There were 2 solutions to this problem I could have pay as you go meters fitted but the energy suppliers charge extra on top of your energy to pay for this service or I could try to work out my bill myself monthly to make sure that I did not get stung with yet more demands for money that I don't budget for.

I have designed my energy bill calculators to help with working out my utility bills which also helps me to save energy as i can now calculate my energy usage on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to see what i am actually using. I have decided to share these and hope that you find them use full.
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